Orange is more than a pretty color in the rainbow. It is more than a tasty piece of citrus fruit. Over the years, Orange has come to represent the combined impact the church and family can have when they work together, and where better to learn about that strategy than the Orange Conference.
“Partnering with Parents” is a popular buzz word in church lingo these days. While church and parents working together is a great idea, it is not always easy to do. I just got back from Orange Tour last week (Think giant Orange Conference on a smaller, local, level). While there, Reggie Joiner did a great job talking through some of the practical aspects of partnering with parents. One thing he said stood out:
If you can’t explain your strategy on how you will parner with parents, the parents can’t explain it either. And if the parents can’t explain it, they aren’t doing it.
The theme this year is “It’s Personal”. In order for our strategy to work, not only do we need to be intentional. Intentional not only with the parents, but our leaders and volunteers as well. I expect to hear some practical teaching and advice on how to communicate to parents and leaders on a personal level, not just a formal level. When you can connect with people on a personal level, when you are relational, people will connect better to your vision. Parents will know you are in their corner, and that you personally want them to ‘win’ in their parenting. They will know you are there to help. They will understand what it means when you want to partner with them.
Maybe you want to implement a strategy to work with your parents. Maybe you have one already in place, but are looking for ways to sharpen the focus and improve. Either way, the Orange Conference is a great way to learn, grow, and strategize. Over the course of several days, you will experience:
- incredible worship in an arena with more than 8,000 other like minded ministry leaders
- general sessions with some of the biggest names in ministry
- break out sessions from ministry leaders from all different backgrounds, experiences, and church sizes.
No matter where you are in your ministry or your strategy, you can expect to walk away from the Orange Conference refreshed, renewed, educated, and ready to put into practice all you learned to make yourself a better leader and take your ministry to the next level.
Registration opens October 18th. The Orange Conference has been known to sell out, so don’t miss your chance. If you register on opening day, you can save $90 off your registration. Click here to find more information and register for the Orange Conference.
Are you planning to go? I am starting to make my plans to attend. Let me know and we can connect!
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