My Resource Stats for 2023

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Only missing Antartica!

Helping you have a positive spiritual impact on the kids you love

Maybe you are a parent. Or a teacher. Or a kids pastor. Or a small group leader. Regardless of your role, the fact you are reading this means you have kids in your life that you love, and you want to impact. The resources I write and review will help you do just that. Search around and you will find articles and activities to help you be the best parent you can be. Or the best teacher you can be. You can make a difference in the next generation. You can have a powerful spiritual impact in the kids in your life. 

Find resources now

No matter what your role, you should be able to find something helpful here. Click through the archives below to find some helpful resources.


I have spent a good portion time teaching: both kids and adults. Click to enter the archive of teaching articles.


From the time I started college, all the way to today I have been writing lessons. I figured if I was going to take the time to write them, I might as well write them so someone else could use them too. Click to enter the archive of lessons and lesson supplements.


Looking for some great Family Devotions? Click here to enter the Family Devotion archives.

Resources to your inbox

Are you interested in more resources but don’t have the time to search around now? Choose the type of resources that you could benefit most from and click to sign up for informative emails sent direct to your inbox. It could be links to past articles, notification of new articles, or something beneficial I have found in m reading and research. I know you are serious about your role as a spiritual influencer to the kids in your life, and I think these emails would be very valuable as you work hard teaching and influencing your kids.
