Thanks for visiting! If you are in ministry, or a parent, or work with kids in any way, I have a feeling you will find something helpful as you look around and read. Do not hesitate to ask if you think there is something I can help you with.
In case you don’t have time to look through the archive, here is a list of my top read/shared posts.
- Lesson on Lying
- Teaching Kids about Baptism
- Olympic Lesson Free Download
- Yelling at Kids
- Messages from Monsters
- 5 Rules for Kids Ministry
- God’s Will is NOT kidmin
- How to talk to kids about Tragedy
- Light of the World devotion activity: Make a glow jar
- 4 Classroom Management techniques
I am a dad to the best daughter you could imagine. Married to the best woman you could imagine (and probably the only one who could put up with me). She is definitely the better half.
I wrote an Amazon #1 best selling family devotion book, Got Fruit? based on the Fruit of the Spirit. As well as FamilyTalk; a guide to family devotions – you can see it here for Kindle. Contact me if you are interested in a printed version— they make great family gifts! I have also had the honor of contributing to some pretty cool kids ministry resources. You can read more about them here.
I speak Spanish and I’ve been out of the country 10 different times to 6 different countries doing mission work with kids.
Some random tidbits: I like drinking coffee. I prefer Pepsi over Coke. Dark chocolate over milk chocolate (white chocolate is good too). I’m a sci-fi kinda guy. Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate are my kind of shows. I would probably prefer mac over pc if I could afford one.
Some of the links on my posts are affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item through a link, you are helping to support the costs involved with this site.
If you want to know more, feel free to ask.
Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment and tell me about yourself.
My Journey
My ministry journey began my sophomore year of high school. With two whole years of high school Spanish, I went on my first mission trip to Mexico. Aside from accidentally telling a girl I loved her, I communicated rather well and had a great experience. It was during that trip I felt God speak and let me know that there would be more mission work in my future.
I continued to study Spanish throughout high school, and began to feel like I wanted to be a teacher, so when I got to college I studied Spanish for elementary education. I spent two summer internships in Central America doing kids ministry mission work. Over the years I have led and translated for multiple mission trips and VBS weeks in the US, Central America and South America.
While still in college, through a series of events that only God could have orchestrated, I was offered a position teaching Spanish K-8 in a private Christian school. After several years of teaching, and God solidifying a calling to ministry to kids, I moved into a full time children’s/youth pastor position. From there ministry has had it’s ups and downs. I have been full time children’s pastor, volunteer children’s pastor, and volunteer under other children’s pastors. I have been in large churches, small churches, and church plants. I am currently not actively involved in local children’s ministry, which has allowed me time to concentrate on writing resources to help those so serve locally in children’s ministry, as well as parents.