David is a key figure in the Old Testament. He was a part of Jesus’ family tree. He killed a bear and a lion and was anointed king, all while he was a boy. There are several books in the Bible that record his history and he wrote many of the Psalms. Acts 13:22: “God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart.” There is much that we can learn from him and his life. This is the first in a series that will take a look at several key moments in his life, including his encounter with Goliath, his friendship with Jonathan, and David’s sin. This series is from FamilyTalk: a guide to family devotions.
If you missed it:
part 1: David the Giant Killer
part 2: David’s Friendship
part 3: David’s Sin
Life of David—David’s Sin
Think about it— David was a man after God’s own heart, but he did have his set-backs. David was a human and made mistakes. The important thing is that he asked God to forgive him, and he moved forward. We can learn a lot about repenting from David.
What does the bible say?
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord
Read Luke 15:1-10
What does repent mean?
Who do you think you are in these stories?
- The shepherd?
- The lost sheep?
- The woman looking for coins?
- The coin?
Read 2 Samuel 12:1-14
- How did Nathan know David had sinned?
- What was the consequence for David’s sin?
- Was David forgiven of his sin?
Final Thought David’s Sin
Sin. We all do it; no matter how hard we try not to, we still do it. We disobey, we lie, we cheat, and we can’t help it. No matter how good we think we are, we are still not good enough. Even with all the good things David did, he still made his mistakes.
The good thing about it all is that “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And because He died for us, we can be forgiven.
Sin is destructive and has consequences. We should fight against our sinful desires and pray to ask Jesus to help us resist. But the times that we do not resist, we need to remember to ask Him to forgive us, and He will! When we do repent and ask Jesus to forgive us, there is a party in heaven!
If you like this devotion, it is a part of FamilyTalk: a guide to family devotions available on Amazon for only .99. You can also check out The Finding Story, a collection of family devotions from a series based on Finding Nemo.
Are you
looking for more great family devotion resources? Check out an Amazon #1 best selling children’s ministry book: Got Fruit: a guide to family devotions based on the fruit of the spirit. This is the entire set of devotions, all in one place!
Your child’s relationship with God must extend beyond Sunday morning. Parents have to take a leading role in the discipleship of their kids. Based on the Fruit of the Spirit, Got Fruit? is an effective tool to help parents disciple their children. If you are
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