Something I want my next pastor to know

Circumstances beyond my control has led to the closing of the church we attended. It is sad and

disappointing, and one of those things where we just have to trust God is in control and “all

things will work together for good”. I plan to address more of the journey as I myself process

through it.

With that said, we are in the position of needing to find a new church to attend, and possibly

serve at. That got me thinking, what is something I would like my next pastor to know?


My pay does not determine my passion

I’m not sure what your ministry role is, but mine has varied over the years. I have been a

full time volunteer, paid part time, and paid full time. My pay has changed multiple times, but my

passion never has. In the business world, pay scale often reflects achievement or ability.

Maybe you have experienced that in ministry, but I never have. Even the times I did receive

compensation for my ministry, I was ‘underpaid’. The difference between the business world and

ministry is I don’t do what I do for the money. I do it because it is part of the purpose God

created me for.


There have been many times I ran a service for just a handful of kids, at times a single

child. From my perspective, that one child deserves my best. God loves that child as much as

every other. I was not being paid at the time, so it would have been easy to cancel that service

and attend the regular adult service that morning, but we didn’t do that. Why?




If you are passionate about your ministry and calling, you understand it is not about the

money (though it is nice to pay the bills). As ministry leaders, God has called us to a higher

standard. I could not look at myself in the mirror knowing I didn’t give my best. Bank account

aside, we should strive to give our best, because Jesus said “what you do for the least of these,

you also do for me”. Doing your best for your kids is doing your best for God.


At this point I am not sure what God has in store for us. I don’t know what kind of ministry God

will place us in. What I do know is that my ministry is not my top priority. My family is my top

priority. We begin the process of finding a new body to worship with, and a new pastor to learn

from. I am sure that as we search, and find a new church, God will guide our path, and he will

make it clear when the time is right to enter back into that ministry role.


So to my next pastor I will say this : If and when the time comes to serve in kids ministry (or any

other ministry for that matter) I will serve out of my calling and passion. Whether or not you pay

me, you can expect my very best, because I do what I do to honor God and because I love the

kids and their families.


What about you? What is something you wish your pastor knew?

About the Author

Ron is happily married to his best friend, and dad to the best daughter you could imagine. As a teacher and children's pastor, he has over 20 years experience of teaching, leading, writing, creating and consulting. He has written for churches, contributed to several collaborative publications, and written a #1 Best Selling Devotional, Got Fruit? on Amazon. His blog is consistantly listed in the Top 40 Children's Ministry Blogs and Websites. Don't hesitate to ask if you think he could help you and your ministry in any way.

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