Quotes from #OrangeTour

I had the awesome opportunity to attend the Orange Tour this week. Jon Acuff was hilarious. Reggie Joiner was spot on. The content was amazing.orangetour 1

In addition to taking notes, I also used social media to post many quotes through the different sessions. Below are some of my favorite quotes–

Feel free to click and tweet each quote— they are definitely worth sharing!

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If kids can’t process their doubt, they will not own their own faith. #parents Talk to your kids! @reggiejoiner #orangetour

Parents influence are necessary In a child’s life, but they are not the only necessary influence #parenting #orangetour #smallgroups

If the joy of the lord is our strength, how strong is your family? good #parenting #havefuntogether #orangetour @reggiejoiner

The Key to your spiritual growth is linked to how you serve #orangetour @reggiejoiner

If kids can’t process their doubt, they will not own their own faith. #parents Talk to your kids! @reggiejoiner #orangetour

Just because you can’t see your impact doesn’t mean you aren’t making an impact @adam_duckworth #notnormalbook #orangetour #kidmin

Not normal volunteers Seize the moment when they can show unconditional love to someone else @adam_duckworth #orangetour #kidmin


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We Don’t need to be better at teaching the bible to kids, we need to be better at teaching kids the bible @reggiejoiner #orangetour #kidmin

“I don’t do #crossfit because of all the #instagram that is involved” @JonAcuff #orangetour

If you lead on stage but not at home, you are not a leader, you are an actor @JonAcuff #orangetour #parenting #kidmin

We can’t avoid change, but we can learn to navigate change @JonAcuff #orangetour #leadership

It is impossible to get stuck somewhere old when you learn something new @JonAcuff #orangetour #leadership

Don’t expect kids to follow Jesus until you treat them like they are made in the image of God @reggiejoiner #orangetour #kidmin

100 years from now the only thing that will matter is your relationship with God @reggiejoiner #orangetour

What would happen if we treated kids as if “Every kid is made in the image of God” @reggiejoiner #orangetour #parenting #kidmin

#orangetour 4How many #parenting moments do you miss because of your #iphone or other device? #putitdown #justaphase #dontmissit #orangetour @JonAcuff

“When you work with kids, you impact the future”– @JonAcuff #orangetour #kidmin


Did you attend #OrangeTour? Or an Orange Conference? Or any conference? What is your favorite parenting or kidmin related quote? Post in the comments below

About the Author

Ron is happily married to his best friend, and dad to the best daughter you could imagine. As a teacher and children's pastor, he has over 20 years experience of teaching, leading, writing, creating and consulting. He has written for churches, contributed to several collaborative publications, and written a #1 Best Selling Devotional, Got Fruit? on Amazon. His blog is consistantly listed in the Top 40 Children's Ministry Blogs and Websites. Don't hesitate to ask if you think he could help you and your ministry in any way.

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