Family Resource Pack – Free faith based activities for families

Fear. Anxiety. Uncertainty. If you are not currently experiencing these feelings, there is a good chance you know someone who is.  And maybe even your kids.

At the time of writing this, here in our state, and many others, all schools have been closed and kids are home with the possibility of online learning.  Churches are closed and trying to find ways to meet ‘virtually’. Companies are closing there doors and people are working from home, being laid off, or worse- losing their jobs.

Globally we are in uncharted territory. We don’t know what to do, and we don’t have answers for many of our questions or the questions our kids are asking.

While it may be scary, do your best to be intentional about the extra time you have with your kids.  While your tendency may be to hand your kids a tv remote or an iPad, there is so much more you could be doing. 

Yes, a quarantine period will be difficult. An unexpected, prolonged school cancellation is at the very least inconvenient, but you can turn something potentially scary and inconvenient into something valuable and memorable.

Be intentional with your extra time. Sure, go ahead and have some extra TV time. But watch together. Then talk about what you just watched.

Play some games together. Go for a daily walk together. Do some arts and crafts- draw some pictures. Keep a journal together to help you remember when your kids get older.

You have the power to make something good come out of a situation that is not good. You have the power to make your family stronger.

I have put together a large collection of my family resources to help you make the most of this difficult time. Some of these resources have been downloaded and used all over the country, many of them around the world.

By downloading this faith-based activity pack, you will not only get some great activities to pass the time, you will also be investing in the spiritual lives of your kids.

Have you been talking to your kids about COVID-19 (coronavirus) Click here for some tips and resources to help with those conversations.

You will find:

  • Simple family devotions
  • Family Fun Night pages
  • Full lessons based on the movie Monsters Inc
  • Much more

This is my way to help you through this time. Download these pages and spend some family time together – time that will help build a spiritual foundation in your kids.

I ask only a few things—-

#1.  Share with another family you think would enjoy a resource like this

#2.  You can download and distribute to those in your church or small group, but let me know if you do this- I would like to know how this is being used

#3. Enjoy your family time together.  

#4. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you though this season.

Interested in a FREE family resource pack? Click the button below to download. Enter your email. Follow the checkout procedures. You will then be given access to the link, as well as having the link sent to you via email. Let me know if you have any issues with the process and I would be glad to help.


About the Author

Ron is happily married to his best friend, and dad to the best daughter you could imagine. As a teacher and children's pastor, he has over 20 years experience of teaching, leading, writing, creating and consulting. He has written for churches, contributed to several collaborative publications, and written a #1 Best Selling Devotional, Got Fruit? on Amazon. His blog is consistantly listed in the Top 40 Children's Ministry Blogs and Websites. Don't hesitate to ask if you think he could help you and your ministry in any way.

3 Comments on "Family Resource Pack – Free faith based activities for families"

  1. Looking forward to sharing with some family members. Thank you!

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