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Messages from Monsters kids ministry lessons

Messages from Monsters4 week curriculum series

a 4 week curriculum based on Monsters Inc

Thanks for your interest in our series!

In our ministry, we often try to use pop culture and current events to make our lessons more relevant to our kids. When Monsters University was released, we did a series based on the first movie, Monsters Inc. Our kids LOVED it so much, we decided to make it available to you as well.

Messages from Monsters is a 4-week series based on the movie. Included is the series are:

  • series memory verse
  • lesson based on a movie clip
  • small group/object lessons
  • games
  • more!

To receive your copy of Messages from Monsters for free, along with future updates and resources, simply enter your email below.

Check out our NEW 4-week series: Finding Story- based on Finding Nemo

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4 week topics:

  1. Fear Not
  2. Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover
  3. Spiritual Exercises
  4. Friendship

kids ministry curriculum based on Monsters Inc

In a world where it is common to pay upwards of $100 per 4-week curriculum series, it has been a goal of mine to provide quality material for free or minimal cost. This series has been downloaded across the US, and actually has been used in several other countries around the world. As a special offer to you, I will give you the entire series FREE in exchange for you signing up for my newsletter. Keep in mind– I will not send you spam. But I will occasionally send you updates on new blog posts or great family and kids ministry resources.  Simply follow the link, enter your email address, and download!



Download Messages from Monsters





When you use these lessons, I would love to hear how much your kids enjoyed them.  Feel free to ask if you have questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Don’t forget to check out our new series, Finding Story- a 4 week series based on the Disney movie Finding Nemo.