The key to Samson’s strength and success was the Spirit of the Lord. He was set apart by God before he was born to do great things. In spite of Samson’s actions, God did accomplish great things through him. As great as Samson was with God’s help, he did have a weakness. That weakness came in the form of a women–more than once. Even when Samson knew that the women he was with was out to get him, he still stuck by her. Even when she betrayed him, he still stuck with her. When she set him up for failure, he still stuck with her. Samson allowed his own desires and pleasure to come before God’s desires for his life.
The enemy knew his weakness, and he exploited it. We all have a weakness. We know it and the enemy knows it. Do you put yourself in situations that feed your weakness rather than feed your spirit?
Temptation is a normal part of life. Our sinful nature is a normal part of life. We can overcome that though. Paul tells us to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5
When those thoughts come into your mind, reject them. Choose to not entertain those thoughts. Samson was not able to do this, but if we make the choice to live a life of obedience to God, we can ask his help and overcome those thoughts and even our own weaknesses. My strength comes from the Spirit of God. Remember, greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
Ron is happily married to his best friend, and dad to the best daughter you could imagine. As a teacher and children's pastor, he has over 20 years experience of teaching, leading, writing, creating and consulting. He has written for churches, contributed to several collaborative publications, and written a #1 Best Selling Devotional, Got Fruit? on Amazon. His blog is consistantly listed in the Top 40 Children's Ministry Blogs and Websites. Don't hesitate to ask if you think he could help you and your ministry in any way.
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