Olympic Gold Medals. Every athletes goal and dream. They inspire kids to swim, run, and jump. They represent being the best in the the world.
Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Winning a gold medal means the athlete put time into training. They do their very best. But it takes time, practice, and effort. It is similar with our relationship with God. If we want the gold medal for our relationship with God, there are some things we can do to make that relationship the best it can be.
God sent Jesus to die for us. Forgiveness is a gift we can receive freely from him. There is nothing we have to do, we don’t have to earn forgiveness. All we have to do is ask him and accept his forgiveness. Once we are forgiven, and living for God, that is where we start acting like athletes.
Are you interested in more Olympic sports themed lessons, games, and family devotions? Check out our Summer Games Free Download.
You see, being in a relationship with God is similar to being in a relationship with someone else, like your family members. If you never spoke to your parents, that would make your relationship difficult. Or if you never helped with chores around the house it could make things difficult for other members of your family.
Being in a relationship with people takes work, and being in a relationship with God is no different.
Can you think of some things that you need to do to help your relationship with your parents? Or siblings? Or friends?
Did you mention…….
- communication- talking and listening
- spending time together
- helping each other
These are just a few things you need to do in order to do your best in a relationship. The same things need to take place in your relationship with God. What does that look like?
- praying
- worshiping
- reading your Bible
- listening for God to speak
- going to church
Matthew 7:7 Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
Did you think of anything else?
When it comes to these kinds of actions, do you do your best? Or could you do better. I know that while I try to do all those things, it is sometimes hard, so I have to concentrate and work on these things, the same way an athlete needs to concentrate and work on training so they can do well in their sport.
Here are some questions to help facilitate some quality family time and discussion.
FamilyTalk Questions:
- What is your favorite sport?
- Do you think people that play that sport have to practice a lot?
- If you could win a gold medal in one event, which would you choose?
- What do you do to help your relationship with your parents?
- How can you do your best for God?
- What can you do to help your relationship with God?
Check out some more Family Devotions here!
Leave a comment and let me know how you do your best to have a great relationship with God. Or let me know if you have any questions about things you can do to do your best for God.
If you want to spend some more time on the subject, here are several Bible passages you can read through about people who did their best to have a good relationship with God.
Exodus 19:3 And Moses went up to God
David: (read the whole chapter)
Psalm 63:1 You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
Are you
looking for more great family devotion resources? Check out an Amazon #1 best selling children’s ministry book: Got Fruit: a guide to family devotions based on the fruit of the spirit.
Your child’s relationship with God must extend beyond Sunday morning. Parents have to take a leading role in the discipleship of their kids. Based on the Fruit of the Spirit, Got Fruit? is an effective tool to help parents disciple their children. If you are looking for help with your family devotion time, click here– Got Fruit? is for you! Through this devotional you will be guided through discussions that build on each of the 9 fruits of the spirit. Each of the 9 devotionals include bible passages that highlight the highlighted fruit as well as a few related thoughts. Also included is a series of discussion questions that will help you guide your children in a conversation to bring truth and understanding. This short devotional is a perfect tool to guide you as you disciple your children into a deeper relationship and understanding with God.
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