a 4-week series based on the Lego Movie
The Lego Movie was a huge blockbuster. Lego Batman is easily recognizable. Lego Movie 2 will likely be just as big a hit. The Lego aisle at the store is constantly changing, but never shrinking. There is no question, Lego bricks are here to stay.
4 week BUILD! Series
You teach kids. When you look for lessons, you want something fun, relevant, Bible based, something the kids will like and learn with. How do I know? Because I have been where you are– spending hours looking through and researching possible lessons and curriculum.
Look no further!

What could be more fun and relevant than a lesson series that is based on everyones favorite bricks– and even uses movie clips to help make your points?
When I was in my various ministry roles, we found success in tying our lessons into the popular culture. Messages from Monsters was a series based on Monsters Inc. The Finding Story was a series based on Finding Nemo. And now— finally — BUILD! a series based on the Lego Movie!
Week 1: God the Ultimate Creator – a lesson on God the Creator
Week 2: Building Character – a lesson on positive character qualities
Week 3: Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall – a lesson on teasing
Week 4: The Wise and Foolish Builders – a lesson on wisdom
Lesson Structure
- Prep Passage
- Movie Clip
- Lesson
- Object Lesson
- Group Time

Each lesson contains the same 5 parts. A prep passage will help give you some background and help you prepare for the lesson. The movie clip tells you what clip to play, and has some questions and a tie in to the lesson message. There is a lesson page to give you a passage and framework to teach the lesson. The object lesson will help you make the point with something visual. Finally there is a group time page to facilitate discussion in a small group setting. If you don’t have a small group time, this page can be sent home to be used in a family setting or can supplement the lesson.
Does this sound like something you could use? Would your kids have fun? Do you like to ‘test drive’ a lesson before you commit and make a purchase? I don’t blame you, because I am the same way. Here is a sample of one of the lessons — it is not the whole lesson, only half, but it will give you a good idea of the kind of material in these lessons. Download the sample and ‘try before you buy’ to see if it would be a good fit for you and your kids.
Because you care about your kids
Because you want them to have fun
Because you want to teach the Bible
Why not try BUILD!
As you know, purchasing high quality lessons can be expensive. One of my goals is to provide high quality, Bible based, fun lessons that are relevant and affordable, no matter what the size of the church.
For a limited time, BUILD! is a 4-week series that will only cost $9.99 for the entire series! That is only $2.50 per lesson!

Yes, I want my kids to learn and have fun at the same time!
Check out some free downloads from some of my other series to see the kind of quality and fun you would be getting by purchasing BUILD!
Finding Faith- a lesson based on Finding Nemo
Fear Not- a lesson based on Monsters Inc
As with any of my resources, if the cost is an issue, send me a message and I will send you the series. While there is tremendous value in these resources, I have been in positions when I could not afford to purchase resources, so I will do what I can to help those who cannot afford the purchase.

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